From February 2 to May 10, 2009, Chhttt..., Le merveilleux dans l'art contemporain (volet 2), a group exhibition with Pierre Alferi, Pierre Ardouvin, Sandra Böhme, Robert Breer, Yves Chaudouët, Jugnet & Clairet, Perrine Lievens, Camila Oliveira Fairclough, Bruno Peinado, Estefania Peñafiel Loaiza, Simon Schubert, Guido van der Werve, Rémy Zaugg, curated by Sophie Kaplan.
After the world of wonders making up the Waoohhh! exhibition at CRAC Alsace, the second segment, titled Chhttt..., is in a more Conceptual, Minimalist vein: wonders deriving more from a certain way of looking at and paying tribute to the everyday, the banal, the sub-flimsy.
Each of the artists brought together by Chhttt... has his/her personal interest in the following postulate: the wondrous is not inherently wondrous, it is wondrous in its relationship with reality. Thus something wondrous can be created by applying this relationship to any reality at all, from the most mundane to the most fleeting. And so stands revealed that which, as a rule, we fail to notice: that which lurks in the creases in reality. The means the artists have come up with for exploring these creases are many: subtle appearance/disappearance games involving images and objects (Simon Schubert, Estefania Peñafiel Loaiza, Yves Chaudouët); decelerated body movements (Robert Breer); vibrations of light, colour and/or line (Jugnet+Clairet, Sandra Böhme, Camila Oliveira Fairclough); and intimations of the universal through unostentatious objects and processes (Bruno Peinado, Pierre Ardouvin, Pierre Alferi); and more.
Last of all, might not the wondrous at work in Chhttt... be the simple fact of allowing the asking of new, unexpected and yet vital questionssuch as Rémy Zaugg's "When melts the snow, where will white go?"
Chhttt... is organised with the support of the Dutch Embassy in Paris.